Pen with a culture
Your days of boring content are over and your grandma is about to be proud of you again for putting a smile on people's face. I heard she complains about your writing career every Sunday in church
Content that gets things done is creative. They are not just mere combinations of words and acts passing a message.Message gets passed and everyone is doing that but few are entertaining.Whether you are doing creative or business content for marketing your content should be entertaining. Whatever impact you desire your content to have, entertainment should be that thing that reduces the friction.Of all things, people don’t want to get bored. People want to smile while bringing their wallets out. They want to forget they have their card out and ready to swipe or put down the code.The formula and tricks I will show you in this private group come from my childhood days of going to church in Africa.Reverends and pastors are the greatest salesmen because they sell without even selling.You won’t understand the effect these men have until you have attended a ghetto church in Africa. They make offering services so beautiful. They make you look forward to donating your money (if not all your money) to the church.These men were selling so hard that they had people who had nothing coming out and pledging a huge amount of money to the church.You were not forced but you did this out of a good story (hearing your neighbor just bought a new Kia motor), you did it out of entertainment (you have laughed and danced your way out of your senses) or you did it from the tears of your sit partner so touched by the pastor charisma (fear of missing out)All these are psychological factors the African pastors in ghetto churches where I grew up used to their advantage and used it hard.Looking back now as a writer, I started realizing that most of my friends houses while growing up was filled with pledge envelopes even when we had nothing. We were captured by creative and entertaining factors.I took this study to Hollywood. I started watching movies more consciously as I got older and started seeing these same formulas in all my favorite movies.There’s this element to their storytelling. That keeps you coming back. Anticipating the next episode just like my grandma Mama Eli anticipated her next Sunday offering and oh, God help my dad he told her stories.I saw this formula on every great ad and every great story and I picked up on it. I started practicing it and I started going deep into art.I needed to use this formula for myself, so I became a singer myself. I started songwriting and also screenwriting plays on big television.Now, every week, I want us to sit down together and dissect this method of creativity and entertainment and how we can use and apply them in any creative endeavor.I am not here to sound like a guru or tell you that if you sign up or subscribe to this paid community, all your hidden prayers will be answered in weeks or months.I’m in the trenches, I am not just teaching you but also practicing in real life. I am the most creative person you will know. I wrote songs and movies and I still have songs, projects, and movies of my own coming out. I practice this every day and I come back every day to report to you what is working in these streets and what you should apply.It is a continuous process of learning for you and me. This is the reason why it stays monthly. When you feel like you have mastered the art you unsubscribe. I wish you luck and give you my blessings.
Why should i be interested in subscribing to the pen with a culture
Do you find your content boring out the good people of the world? You need this paid telegram channel
Do you find it difficult to tell stories with your writing? I have the antidote for great imagination.
Are you interested in wooing your customers and women with your masterpiece creation and writing? You did think I ran a brothel. Keep calm brother.
Your neighbors will share your content because not only you make them laugh but they are proud you have mastered the way of proper content creation that isn't boring
The Pen with a Culture will address a lot of boring writing and show you real examples of how creative and entertaining content should be doneOn top of that, I will be bringing real-life examples of other professionals using the power of entertainment to their advantage and getting all the recognition they want from their work and business
How do i subscribe to the pen with a culture
To subscribe, click on the subscribe now buttons you have been seeing since you started reading this copy and any of them will take you to the payment page.You can pay with a credit card, or debit card or Bank transfer.Remember this a recurring service. Every first of every month you get N10,000 debited from your card.Subscribe now and start enjoying this useful benefit and take your business to the place and level it is supposed to reach.